The VIP Code

The Secret Behind Creative Breakthroughs

Episode Summary

This episode is all about the secret behind creative breakthroughs and how you can unlock them for your business without sacrificing other parts of life like eating and sleeping. Stay tuned as we dive into what you need to do to achieve those elusive aha moments.

Episode Notes

This episode is all about the secret behind creative breakthroughs and how you can unlock them for your business without sacrificing other parts of life like eating and sleeping.

What do you need to do to achieve those elusive aha moments? Like how should you react when you're stuck in a slump? And if you can't think of any new or prolific content ideas, if your next video isn't your best video ever, will your entire audience turn their backs on you?

So maybe you're working on building your visibility ladder right now. You're facing questions like what should the first video on my YouTube channel be about? What stories should I share when I'm trying to relay an idea to my audience? What should I make my next podcast episode about? Should I launch a podcast? Should I watch a YouTube channel? 

This is exciting of course, but it can also cause overwhelm. We can get so caught up in wanting to think hard that your mind goes blank and the rest of your daily responsibilities suffer. Maybe your imposter syndrome takes over or you didn't get enough sleep the night before. 

Well, when you think about your biggest creative breakthroughs, your aha moments, when did they happen? Where did they happen? I can bet that your greatest idea didn't come from you being sleep-deprived, stressed out of your mind and sitting at your computer or staring at a wall. They happen accidentally when you're going about your day or in the shower or stuck in traffic or on a plane with no wifi. Stay tuned for more clarity on accessing the more creative you.

Key Takeaways:


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